Business Information

Your full legal name.
The name of your business.
The best phone number to reach you.
The email address where we will send your quote and login information.

Date and Location

Enter the location and area where you need a warehouse.

If you are unsure, select the checkbox and Flowspace will help you find the best spot.
Select an estimated start date and length of time that you'll need the space.

Your Product

Select "Palletized" if your products arrive on pallets.

Select "Floor Loaded" if your products are put in the container without any pallets. They will need to be palletized at the warehouse.
On average, how many pallets do you need to store at the warehouse each month? This number can vary with time.
Standard pallets are 48" x 40" x 60"
Stacked pallets take up less space and can result in a lower rate.
Select one or many attributes that your products require of a warehouse (optional).

For instance, if you are storing organic food, you may want your warehouse to be Organic Certified.

Warehouse Activity

Select any services that you would like the warehouse to perform (optional).
How many Inbound and Outbound orders do you expect to create each month?

An Inbound Order is an order shipped to the warehouse.

An Outbound Order is an order shipped from the warehouse.
About how big is each outbound order?

Select "Units" if you are shipping individual items out (e-commerce).

Select "Cartons" if you are shipping case or cartons out (wholesale).

Select "Pallets" if you are only shipping pallets out of the warehouse.